Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Become a Better Test Taker

Studying for tests is only part of getting the grade you want on a test.  Here are some tips to follow in order to ensure you are taking your test to the best of your ability.
Preparation Tips:
1.Start preparing for the test as soon as you find out when it is, meaning taking good notes and paying attention in class.  Also, if you don't understand something, asking sooner is way better than asking later!  2. Budget your time accordingly.  Be sure to predict and plan out when you will study and how you are going to study while giving yourself enough time.
3. Attend any review sessions, and make sure you know what you are going to be tested on.
4.  Be sure you are attend your classes especially ones closer to the exam since your teacher will probably hint at test questions and give you more information about the test.
5. Make sure you eat before your test and get enough sleep the night before so you don't feel groggy.  8 hours is the recommended amount.
6. Try to get to class early and use the restroom before.
During the Test Tips:
1. Make sure to have 2 pencils and erasers on hand.
2.  Wear a watch to help you keep track of time.
3. Keep a positive attitude and try to focus.
4. When thinking, be sure not to let your eyes wonder since this may look like you could be cheating.
5. Look over the test as soon as you get it so you can budget your time accordingly.
6. Skip and go back to the problems you do not know.  Come back to them at the end.  Doing the problems you already know how to do will save you time and work to your advantage.
7. Always read the whole question.  Don't assume anything.
8.  Be sure to ask your teacher if you do not understand anything.
9. Pace yourself, and try not to rush.  Don't be discouraged if others finish before you.
10. Double check your answers if you have time and don't forget to check if your name is on your test before you hand it in.
For more test taking tips visit http://www.testtakingtips.com/test/index.htm and for some great post test tips, visit: http://www.testtakingtips.com/test/genpost.htm

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