Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Resources!

Im sure many of you are aware of the importance of proof reading.  When in a bind, I'm sure many of you like myself only use the spell check to catch errors.  While re-reading your work is a great way to edit, strengthen reading skills and catch errors, let's face it, it's not always easy and it can be very time consuming.  I found some free resources I think you all will like and find helpful.

First, there are many free grammar and spelling software out there to help you such as Ginger Software and Paper Rater.  These types of resources are great because they are free, easy to use, and can save you some time when cramming to get work done.  For more information, you can find it here http://technodys.blogspot.com/I found these from a very helpful dyslexia blog just like the one I write for this class.  This page really focuses on technologies that dyslexics might find helpful, and I really think each of you could benefit from taking a look at it!  This brings me to my second point.

There are many blogs and internet support groups for dyslexia, not just technologies such as software and gadgets.  I found this site to be very helpful, it has 70 links which are extremely helpful in delivering all different types of support.  I highly encourage each of you to try it out!  Here is the site http://www.onlinecollegecourses.com/2011/02/14/70-excellent-links-for-dyslexia-support/

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